
Our mental health offer

We offer a range of different services to meet an individual’s needs, whether that be at one of our six Independent Hospitals or in our community-based settings. Our unique pathway supports individuals to recovery.

Managing our own Independent Hospitals alongside community services allows us to promote and support a recovery pathway no matter where an individual is with their mental health journey; we can tailor the care and support a person receives to their individual wants and needs.

We’re passionate about encouraging people to use their voice and work collaboratively to co-design new services and experiences. We do this by involving people right at the very beginning, actively seeking insight and expert knowledge on what works best.

Our therapy offer

Accreditation for Inpatient Mental Health Services (AIMS)

Across our Independent Hospitals we use the Accreditation for Inpatient Mental Health Services (AIMS) standards for rehabilitation to improve the quality of care for patients with complex and enduring mental illness.

These quality standards were developed by the College Centre for Quality Improvement and the Royal College of Psychiatrists, along with users of services and carers. They consider a person’s admission and discharge out of hospital, risk and overall care and treatment.

They emphasise the quality of care in the following areas to:

  • Ensure patients have access to socially inclusive community services
  • Learn and relearn living skills
  • Help patients gain confidence about making choices and decisions
  • Promote recovery: so patients can go on to live as independently and autonomously as possible
  • Have greater involvement: patients and carers are involved in any important decision making that affects their interests

The standards are aligned with CQC regulations and NICE guidelines and membership is valued by CQC.

The Recovery Star

The Recovery Star is an evidenced-based tool for supporting and measuring change in working age adults experiencing mental health problems.

It is an outcomes tool, enabling organisations to measure and summarise change in patients. In Alternative Futures Group, our mental health hospitals use this tool to measure the progress of each person who enters our services.

The star covers ten areas from which the patient can easily review the progress they are making. Any drop-backs are picked up early with a plan put in place to address them.

Reports can be shared with patients and carers where applicable, as well as the Integrated Care Boards who commission our services.

Restrictive Intervention

There are times when a restrictive intervention needs to be used in order to protect the patient or others from harm. We ensure any restriction imposed on someone is the least restrictive and proportionate, within the appropriate legal framework and for the shortest time possible.

We are aligned to the Restraint Reduction Network (RRN) to ensure our policies are based on up to date evidence and national guidelines, such as ‘Mental Health Units use of Force Act 2018 & Mental Health Units use of Force Act Statutory Guidance 2018’ and ‘Towards Safer Services’ 2022. As part of our reduction strategy, our hospitals are using the Safewards model which aims to reduce conflict and containment by everyone working together.

Our in-house trainers are fully licensed to deliver restraint reduction training and are affiliated with Elysium Healthcare who are accredited with the RRN. Our training is regularly observed by BILD Associated Certified Training, who are a charity licensed by the RRN to certify training.

Our Independent Hospitals

We are an experienced provider of specialist mental health independent hospital services across the North West.

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Our Community Services

Within our community services we offer both an Enhanced Supported Living Model as well as Community Outreach Services.

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Support you can trust

People-centred support

We are an experienced provider of specialist mental health independent hospital services across the North West.

Close contact

People recover and thrive more successfully with family support, so we ensure they are included every step of the way.

People in the heart of their communities

We know our local communities inside and out, and how to help the people we support to be an active member of them.

Technology-enabled support

We strive to help the people we support access technology that will help enhance and improve independence in their lives.

Partner with us

At Alternative Futures Group, we pride ourselves on our forward thinking and innovative approach to mental health care and we’re always looking to collaborate with organisations who share our values and passion.

One of our recent partnership projects involved working with Supported Living Gateway to build a new flat scheme with wellness at its core at the heart of a community.


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