Ryan’s story: support with autism and cerebral palsy


When AFG were awarded Ryan’s care and support package in 2018, he was malnourished and relied on five bottles of nutritional supplements a day. He refused to eat solid foods and would need to use a wheelchair when going out due to his weakness. He also wore Pedro boots to support his ankles, which restricted his walking.

For a considerable amount of time he had not been supported to go out in the community due to his unpredictable behaviour towards members of the public, where he would often try to grab people.

Our approach

Focused support with meals

Working closely with Ryan, his support team learned that the texture of food played a big part in whether he would accept support with meals. From here the team were able to determine what his favourite meals were and create a support plan and meal plan that suited his needs, and increased his food consumption, resulting in his meal supplements being reduced.

Providing the right environment

Ryan’s support team identified that he was easily distracted by his surroundings and that living with two others was affecting his willingness to eat. Through an MCA & Best Interest process involving Ryan’s social worker and the commissioner, he was supported to move into a single occupancy tenancy and in time he was able to come off meal supplements entirely and enjoy a varied diet.

Taking positive risks

With Ryan’s increased physical strength and more settled home environment, his support team started to take positive risks and support him on trips out in the community. Starting with quiet locations and gradually introducing more varied locations, Ryan’s confidence and trust in his support team increased and he now has a better understanding of acceptable behaviour with members of the public.

When Ryan does display any behaviours that challenge others, his team are able to diffuse this quickly without the situation escalating, which means he can now be supported to participate in a range of activities.

Having noticed that Ryan loves listening to music, the team support him to enjoy a range of different events including concerts, festivals and discos, with the most recent being a trip to Liverpool’s M&S Bank Arena, an incredible journey and fantastic outcome for Ryan.


Healthy weight and appetite

Ryan is now completely free of meal supplements and has a healthy appetite for the first time in years. He has been discharged from the care of his dietitian.

Day trips and activities

Ryan enjoys going out into the community and participating in a range of activities with his support team, including recent visits to Liverpool’s Philharmonic Hall, Comic Con, the Liverpool FC Stadium Tour and regular discos.


Ryan can now enjoys going on walks of up to five miles, and has not used his wheelchair in over two years. His Pedro boots have been replaced with orthodontic insoles which are much less restrictive.

New friendships

With successful support Ryan has developed a friendship with another person supported by AFG in a nearby supported living service. The two enjoy spending time at each other’s houses and going on days out together.